What I Earned in 2011 - Week 9

One of my goals for the year is to keep track of all the extra money I make from reading emails, taking surveys and collecting Swag Bucks.   Now I know this will not seem like much, but keep in mind the little things really do add up over the course of a year and $5 or $10 here and there can pay for some of the fun stuff. 

Swag Bucks came though for me again this week or I wouldn't have had anything to share with you!  I'm still earning through other ways, but sometimes it takes a little while before it will pay off!

Here's what I earned this past week: 

$5.00 Amazon e-gift card from Swag Bucks (on track to earn over $250 from Swagbucks this year!)

Total for the week $ 5.00 (My lowest week so far this year!)

Total for 2011
$ 268.23

Did you earn any extra "fun money" this week?  How did you do it?

What I Earned in 2011 - Week 1
What I Earned in 2011 - Week 2
What I Earned in 2011 - Week 3
What I Earned in 2011 - Week 4
What I Earned in 2011 - Week 5
What I Earned in 2011 - Week 6
What I Earned in 2011 - Week 7

What I Earned in 2011 - Week 8

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