Menu Plan ~ Week of December 1st

We had a fairly productive weekend at our house.  The Christmas tree is up and some outside lights are done.  I'm caught up on laundry and got a pile of paperwork off my desk.  There is always still more to do though like shopping online tomorrow!  It will be a busy day in the blogging world, but hopefully a good one!  Then I need to work on Christmas cards.  It is always something!  Here's what we've got planned for meals this week:
  • Sunday ~ Fast & Fancy Chicken
  • Monday ~ Bacon Mac & Cheese from Cooking Light
  • Tuesday ~ Grilled Steak and Potatoes & Onions
  • Wednesday ~ Chicken & Biscuits (carry over from last week)
  • Thursday ~ Tuna Noodle Casserole (carry over from last week)
  • Friday ~ Adel Holiday Open House
  • Saturday ~ Leftovers
What's on the menu at your house for the week? Head over to Menu Plan Monday to see what others have planned.

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