Find Hyland's Products at Target @HylandsHealth #MadeToMatter

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I love shopping at Target though I confess that I have been guilty of leaving the store with much more than what was on my list more than once.  It's easy to do with so many great products available all in one spot.  Now Target is offering even more of the brands we love with their "Made to Matter" initiative.  These are brands that were handpicked by Target that make our lives better by being better for us, our families and our homes.  They're making it easy for us to make good choices by sharing these brands with us. Most of the brand names you are probably familiar with including Seventh Generation, Burt's Bees and Kashi but you can learn more about each by visiting the Made to Matter page. Hyland's, my favorite brand of homeopathic products is also included on this list.

Be sure to look for Hyland's products on your next visit to Target.  You can see all the Hyland's products they carry here.  There are products available for the whole family. I've been a fan of their earache drops which are great after days at the pool and swim lessons.  

Since having my baby boy in March I'm discovering all of the fabulous products they have for babies.  These include Tiny Cold Tablets, Teething Tablets and Colic Tablets.    If you've got a little one that's teething I've found that their Teething Gel has been nice to have on hand.  You just put a little on your finger then rub on your child's gums to help ease their discomfort.  The product provides natural relief to help them get the rest they need.  Their products are safe and effective and I'd much prefer to go a natural route when possible.

To learn more about Hyland's Baby products visit their site or connect with them on Facebook  or Twitter.

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