Veronica Mars Movies Out Today in Theaters (Maybe) and Instant Video #VeronicaMarsMovie

When I first read the release date of the Veronica Mars movie I was pretty disappointed.  I am a total marshmallow and the movie was being released on my due date.  I figured I would have a newborn and wouldn't be able to make it to the movie theater.  Turns out I had nothing to worry about.  Not only is this baby in no hurry to make its debut the Veronica Mars movie isn't even playing anywhere in the Des Moines area.  I would have to drive at least 2 hours for the closest theater playing it and in my condition that's beyond inconceivable.  Thankfully the movie is also available today via instant video.  You can buy the Veronica Mars movie or rent it right now from Amazon and stream it on your device.  I've already bought my copy and will be trying to wait patiently until my hubby can join me in watching it.  Seriously if I can hold out another 4 hours it will be a miracle!

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