ShopperIncite ~ Coupon Book & Shopping Planner for New Moms Review (Request Your Own FREE Book) #ShopperIncite

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new little one to join our family (and it could be any day now!) but as we are waiting for the excitement life continues to moves on.  Meals still have to be planned and grocery trips still have to be made. We just got done making our list for the trip to the store tomorrow and my coupons just got the organizing they've been needing. Being an expecting mom has meant some things have slipped through the cracks. It's hard to stay organized all the time and I know it won't get any easier once the baby arrives.  Then I'll really get a chance to see how well my mind works when it's sleep deprived!  That's why I appreciate any help I can get staying organized and as always saving money.

That's where the Shopping Planner for New Moms from ShopperIncite comes in handy.  It is a coupon book you can sign up for that has coupons and offers for anything from baby foods and nursing essentials to children's clothing and more.  Plus it's a shopping planner that gives you a space to plan your meals for the week and make your shopping list so they are both together in a convenient location.  We do our meal planning online, but I like having a place to jot down when a menu item comes to mind so I don't forget.

You can sign up for your own free book today right here via the blog widget below.  ShopperIncite hopes to increase the number of offers included in the books and by signing up you can help ensure more coupons and other great offers in future books.  Your planner will ship in April.

Disclosure:  I received my own free copy of the Shopping Planner for New Moms and a gift card for this post.  All opinions are 100% mine.

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