Frugal Tuesday Tip - Make It Cold!

When doing laundry what temperature of water do you use?  I have been washing all of our loads in cold water for quite some time now and never noticed a difference in the cleanliness of our clothes.  When you wash in cold water you don't use any energy to heat up the water which means saving energy and savings $$!  Another plus to washing your clothes in cold water is that it's not as hard on your clothes as hot or warm water.  Cold water helps keep your colors from fading. If you can't get yourself to make the switch completely to cold think about taking a small step and using a cold rinse. 


  1. I guess I always worry the hot water will kill the germs. What do your think about that?

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  2. I think I wash everything on warm. Half way between.

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  3. I think the cold water combined with the laundry soap does take care of the germs. That's my understanding at least!
