Foto Friday ~ Slinkies!


  1. Hello! I am stopping by from the Friday Blog Hop! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more. I hope you will stop by and follow me back :)

  2. Hi Julia, I got your comment off the blog hop I think from Wednesday. Could you tell me if you checked the FB badge on my blog or the coffee cup with the F in it for Facebook? My designer and I accidently hooked up my personal FB to the coffee cup and the badge is my blog. If you checked the coffee cup FB, I would really appreciate a follow back on the FB badge. Once I get everyone off my personal I am going to clean out all the blogging stuff that has piled up alot on my personal. Oh, and while I was here I went ahead and am following you on Networked Blogs. I have that also but if you don't want to follow that, it is okay. I just wanted to do something for you for the extra trip if you did check the coffee cup instead of the badge. Thanks and sorry if you have to come back!


  3. Hi Julia, Thanks again for joining in Foto Friday at WynnieBee and thank you for the caption for Foto Friday with your photos above : D

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend-can't believe it's Friday already!
