Holiday Gift Idea ~ Give a Subscription to Book of the Month

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Do you have a book lover in your life?  Perhaps you know someone who loves to read but you're not always sure what books they'll enjoy.  Books are always a great gift idea and Book of the Month is the perfect gift solution for anyone who enjoys taking time for themselves.  With a Book of the Month gift subscription, the gift recipient will get to choose the books that are right for them—every month. Whether you give a 3, 6 or 12-month subscription, this gift of literary goodness lasts well beyond the holidays.
The Book of the Month Club announces 5 new selections on the 1st of each month.  The member can choose which of the new selections they would like to receive and Book of the Month will ship it directly to their doorstep, for free, on the 7th.  If none of the titles in a given month stand out to the member, they can simply skip and their membership will be extended by an extra month.  You really can't go wrong here.
The Gift Options are as follows:
3-Month Gift Membership: $44.97
6-Month Gift Membership: $83.94
12-Month Gift Membership: $143.88

Plus if you are a new Book of the Month member and you give a gift subscription you can get 50% off a 3 month subscription for you!

    1 comment:

    1. I haven't gifted a subscription before. This is a nice way to find new books.
