What I Earned in 2012 ~ Week 30

Last year I made over $1300 just by doing things like clicking on emails, taking surveys and earning Swag Bucks, Superpoints and Hulk Coins. Every week I earned a little from different sources, but over the course of a year it really added up. It put a dent in our Christmas budget and also allowed me to purchase a big ticket item for myself without the guilt! When you get an extra $5 or $10 here and there it can also just help pay for some of the fun stuff ~ which for me is all about experiences.  Being able to take weekend road trips and buy concert tickets are reasons I like to earn "fun money".

I'm tracking my earnings again this year. I like seeing what I've made and hopefully it will show you some different ways that you can be earning a little extra too. It all adds up!

Here's what I earned this week:

$5.00 Amazon gift code from Superpoints ($85 for the year) 

Total for the year: $ 507.59

Did you earn any extra "fun money" this week? How did you do it?

(Note: Referral links are used in this post. View my disclosure policy.)

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