Saving on Home Renovation

We've taken the plunge.  We've made the decision to stay in our home of 10 years, but that decision really means we've decided to do some renovating.  It's been on our mind for a while and now it's actually happening.  Here are just a few ways we're planning on saving on this project:

1.  Multiple Estimates - I'm sure this is a no-brainer, but the first estimate we received was almost double the second estimateThere was a huge difference in the prices we received from contractors which just proves the importance of this step.  We only received 2 estimates for our project.  We would have liked to have gotten more, but one of the contractors that visited never even returned with an estimate and time honestly got away from us.  We were happy with the second estimate and wouldn't have been able to complete the project with the first.

2.  Do It Yourself - My husband works in the construction industry so we do have an advantage in this area with his skill set.  However, the first part of the project he's doing himself anyone could really do - the demolition.   That's what you're looking at above - part of our deck is now torn apart and patio stones dug up.  Honestly it doesn't take a lot of skill for that labor and it's something we would have to pay someone else to do if he didn't do it himself.
He'll be completing a lot of this project himself and although that means it will take longer the trade off is worth it for us.

3.  Barter - We paid good money for those patio stones over 6 years ago, but now we're uncertain we have a good use for them.  My husband talked with a friend who was interested in buying stones for his own patio.  Instead of asking for money for our stones he asked his friend for his services.  He got some needed help on a side project in exchange for some of the patio stones.  It was a win-win for both parties without any money exchanging hands.

As we move along with this project I hope to share more ways we are saving on the project with you and I'd love to hear how you save on your own home projects.
Confessions of a Frugal Mind


  1. Great advice, I'd never thought to barter for services, but it's a great idea.
    I stumbled this post. If you get the chance I would love a comment and stumble back.

  2. Great idea! Look forward to seeing the completed project!

    ....and I just stumbled your post :)

  3. What good points. I'm looking forward to following you through this project. I have several project I need to start, too.

  4. I'm a huge fan of bartering! It's such a great way for both parties to mutually benefit in a way that's cost effective.

    I stumbled your post and would love a stumble back .

    Jamie @
